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Battling Money Laundering And Financing Of Terrorism


Battling Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

EU Directives Strengthen Anti-Money Laundering Measures

The fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism (ML/FT) has taken a significant step forward with the implementation of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (5MLD).

Addressing Vulnerabilities

The 5MLD addresses the vulnerabilities associated with large cash payments, which are a primary method used to launder illicit funds. The directive restricts such payments in high-risk sectors and requires businesses to report suspicious transactions involving cash above certain thresholds.

Comprehensive Framework

As part of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) package, the 5MLD introduces a comprehensive framework to enhance the fight against ML/FT. This includes:

  • Expanded due diligence requirements for banks and other financial institutions
  • Enhanced information sharing between law enforcement agencies and financial institutions
  • Increased penalties for non-compliance

Protecting the Financial System

These measures aim to strengthen the resilience of the financial system against ML/FT. By reducing the opportunities for criminals to launder illicit funds, the 5MLD protects the integrity of the financial markets and safeguards the global economy.


The implementation of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive marks a concerted effort to combat the growing threat of ML/FT. By restricting large cash payments, enhancing due diligence measures, and promoting international cooperation, the directive strengthens the global financial system and protects society from the corrosive effects of illicit finance.

